Environment & Quality
SHT's Strategy
- Purpose
- : To help protect our beautiful planet by maximizing energy consumption efficiency.
- Mission
- : To improve the quality of human life and minimize environmental impact through the advancement of power electronics technology.
- Vision
- : To be a global niche top company in the field of inverters and energy management (power generation, transmission, and storage)
- Value
- : To accelerate technological advancement for industry, customers, and devices
Business Policy
To achieve our strategy, SHT is constantly working to improve our expertise and technology.
We are committed to being a global niche top company by differentiating our products and manufacturing processes based on our core winding technology.
Quality Policy
We are constantly improving our manufacturing expertise based on the 5G methodology of Genba (place), Genbutsu (item), Genjitsu (conditions), Genri (principles) and Gensoku (standards).
Uniform quality is achieved globally at all manufacturing sites by applying process technologies developed in Japan.
(SHT Corporation, SHT Logistics, SHT Products[Mie factory, Hyogo factory])
Certification received: April 27, 2016
Certification number: JQA-QMA15669

(SHT Products[Mie factory, Hyogo factory], SHT Corporation, Remote Support Division)
Certification received: 2020 July 17
Certification number: JQA-AU0393

(YOSHITA Corporation)
Certification received: February 1, 2006
Environmental Policy
Together with all stakeholders, we are working for the sustainable development of humankind and the planet through our products and manufacturing expertise.
We make products smaller and lighter while minimizing material loss to make the best use of the raw materials that our planet provides.
(SHT Corporation, SHT Logistics, SHT Products[Hyogo factory])
Certification received: December 8, 2003
Certification number: EC03J0204